There’s Something In Rockford’s Water and It’s Not Good
The contents of Rockford's water isn't as great as Carrie Underwood singing "oh, there must've been something in the water." Truth be told, Rockford water is much worse.
The City of Rockford has responded to this article by informing residents that Rockford water is safe to drink, although I will stick with filtered water. By choice, I have not had tap water in years. As far as the title of this article goes, it was inspired by lyrics from Carrie Underwood's song Something In The Water.
Here is the official statement from the City of Rockford.
Last week a searchable tap water database was released by the Environmental Working Group (EWG) and after learning what's in water throughout northern Illinois and southern Wisconsin you might want to stick with bottled water.
The EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) studied tap water throughout the United States over a five-year period and the results were frightening. According to HuffPost,
In total, the tests found nearly 270 contaminants in drinking water across the country. Eight of the contaminants, including arsenic and lead, were reported in all 50 states.
Do you want to know what the results of the tap water in and around Rockford? Here's a list of the contaminants and diseases linked to them.
What's in Rockford's water:
1,4-Dioxane (cancer)
Arsenic (cancer)
Bromodichloromethane (cancer)
Chloroform (cancer)
Chromium - Hexavalent (cancer)
Dibromochloromethane (cancer)
Manganese (harm to the brain and nervous system)
Radiological contaminants (cancer)
Tetrachloroethylene - Perchloroethylene (cancer)
Total trihalomethanes - TTHMs (cancer)
Trichloroacetic acid (cancer)
Other Cities With Dangerous Contaminants: Freeport (10), Belvidere (7), Loves Park (7), Beloit (3), Rockton (3), Roscoe (2) - You can search the entire EWP database by clicking here.
It looks like bottled water is a safer bet.
[H/T HuffPost]