On Monday, Mayor Tom McNamara made the announcement that city staff members recommend going forward with Hard Rock's proposal for a Rockford Casino, but the final decision has to be made by Rockford's City Council. That final decision was expected to happen at last night's board meeting, but it didn't.

Here's why according to WREX:

All three development companies were at the meeting and though none were asked to speak, representatives for Gorman and Company, who felt slighted by the Mayor’s public recommendation prior to the aldermen’s recommendation, voiced their displeasure.

“We still want the opportunity to move forward with that (casino) project, but we weren’t even given a chance to present the financials,” Rick Campbell, the would-be gaming operator for the Gorman casino project, said. “We were told today was the deadline and that’s the one we still want to stick with.”

In response, city officials told 13 News they didn’t have a sufficient basis for reviewing Gorman and Company’s proposal, in its entirety, because Gorman did not submit all of its materials in time.

Amid questions and concerns, aldermen decided to hold off on a vote until they had time to consider all three proposals.


Here's the way I see it, (especially after watching live footage of the Mayor's press conference yesterday), while all three casino proposals include exciting benefits and assets for our city, Hard Rock seems to be the only proposal that has all their ducks in a row. They have provided all the information needed, on time, and have included many benefits for our city that stretch much farther than just a redevelopment of the former Clock Tower Resort space. Plus, Hard Rock Casino Rockford has an amazing ring to it...like it's just meant to be.

I truly hope the Rockford City Council agrees on October 7.

Catch Lil Zim on 'Q98.5 Mornings with Lil Zim and JB'  5:00 a.m. to 10 a.m. Follow her on TwitterInstagram, and Facebook

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