A beautiful engagement was found in a snow bank by a Chicago bus stop.

Can you help us find the owner of this lost ring?

NBC Chicago is trying to help Liane Troy of Chicago. She found a "woman’s ring in the snow near a downtown bus stop is on a mission to return it."

Liane found the ring at the Orelans and Hubbard bus stop. "She knew the ring was important. Her "parents were in the jewelery business" she knew it's value.

See the story below.

If you were in Chicago around February 16th and waited at the bus stop at Orleans and Hubbard and noticed later you lost your ring, this is what you need to do to.

Reach out to NBC 5's Natalie Martinez on her Facebook page, click here, and describe the ring to her.
I really hope the owner is found.

I know if it were me I'd be crying my eyes out and sick to my stomach to have lost such a ring.

It's a good think it was discovered by a kindhearted and caring Liane Troy. Otherwise who knows where the ring would have gone. a pawn shop, someone else's finger, etc...



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