UPDATE: Janesville Police have stated that the initial report was false. The entire story was fabricated to avoid paying a surrender fee to the humane society.

This person in Janesville needs a taste of their own medicine and be thrown off the bridge just as they did to this defenseless puppy.

I'm usually a person who gives second chances, but after reading this story via WREX and the Humane Society of Southern Wisconsin I just can't.

Yesterday a man out fishing by Memorial Bridge in Janesville witness this horrific site which was posted by the Humane Society of Southern Wisconsin.

This makes me so mad. Why do people who clearly do not want animals do these things? Why are people so evil and messed up in the head to do something like this to a defenseless animal? It just makes my stomach sick.

I'm so thankful that guy was out fishing to see this happen and rescue this little guy.

Does he look familiar? Does anyone know who he belongs to?

I seriously hope they catch this jerk who did this and punish them fully.

Tossing them from the bridge is a good start.



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