Illinois’ Favorite Halloween Candy Is
We're about 3 weeks from Halloween and all the stores are bursting with candy.
Which candy do you think is Illinois favorite?
Well last year, according to an DNAInfo Chicago article, Illinois was all about Kit Kats.
Well Kit Kats are still in the top ten favorites but have taken a tumble to the #2 spot this year.
So are you thinking "It's gotta be Reese's Cups."
Well sorry to say you would be wrong. I know I can't believe it those are my favorite too.
The number #1 favorite Halloween candy for Illinois is this.... Are you ready?
Drum Roll please.....
Sour Patch Kids.
Wait What?
Yes, that's right it's sour patch kids.
I'm sorry I like those but they aren't my favorite. Are they yours?
Something just isn't right with that. You know what I'm saying?
Oh and to our neighbors to the north in Wisconsin, your #1 Halloween candy pick are Starburst.
Hmmm... I'm beginning to see a 'citrusy', sweet sour pattern here.
Apparently, Illinois we aren't alone in our love for sour patch kids. "People in Maine, Massachusetts, Nebraska, New Hampshire and New York all love Sour Patch kids, too, according to the data" collected by
If you're curious to know what the other states Top Halloween Candy picks are, click here.
Well, I guess you know what you need to fill up your candy bowls with this year for all the trick or treaters.
And parents you can possible buy a bag of your own sour patch kids to trade for Snickers, Reese's cups and Kit Kats from your kids bucket.
Well, that's just an idea anyhow.