Here are some ideas to immediately help Rockford businesses.

I think everyone is counting down the days until 2021. Hopefully, our luck will change in the new year because this one has been difficult for everyone. We have all been affected in one way or another. Maybe it was your physical or mental health. It could be financially. Possibly in some other way. No matter what, it has taken a toll on all of us.

Local businesses including restaurants, bars, stores, and more have been crushed. It seems every week there's a new restriction to dig them down deeper. The busiest time of year for consumer spending is about to begin and additional rules have been added to make things even more complicated.

It's very important that we support the businesses in and around Rockford. I wanted to find out ways our community can get behind them. Lauren V. Davis, Executive Director of Winnebago Buy Local joined me this morning to discuss it. She's a business owner too. Lauren and her husband, Skyler, own Culture Shock. Plus, she's the CEO of Lauren Davis Creative. Davis really understands the situation because she's there too.

If you missed my interview, check it on my podcast, HERE.

If you want to support our community, here's a list of ways you can help right now according to Lauren V. Davis from the Winnebago Buy Local.

  • Favorites - Make a list of those local businesses that are special to you and would hate to see go out of business. Figure out ways to purchase goods and services from them.
  • Presents - Go completely local this year for everyone on your list. Give them a taste of Rockford. There are many options in town with a lot of different great items.
  • Eat and Drink - We all need nourishment and it's a busy time of year. Maybe, you don't have the desire to cook. There are plenty of places in our community that can help you with that. You don't even have to do a whole meal. For the holidays, you can order sides, a main course, or a dish to pass. The beer made in Rockford is pretty good too.
  • Gift Cards - Not sure what to get someone or maybe you don't feel like shopping. Your best solution is buying gift cards. It's a double present. They can something from you and then go shopping for themselves.
  • Social Media - You can also support your favorite local businesses by going on their social media accounts to like and share. Think about writing them a positive review on Yelp or Trip Advisor.

Remember all the times the Rockford businesses were sponsoring your events, teams, and organizations. Also, making donations for giveaways and raffles. It's time for us to repay the favors. Please support our community.


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