Winnebago County’s Top 10 Highest Paid Employees
How does your salary compare? Working for the government does pay.
The list is out of Winnebago County's highest paid salaries. It is important to note that not every job for Winnebago County pays this much, in fact, most pay a lot less, but if you land the right job, you can make a killing.
As is required by Illinois law, compensation of all state and government employees, are required to be made public, because your tax dollars fund their salaries.
It should be pointed out that the average income in Winnebago country is $24,008.
Here is a list of Winnebago County's Top Paid Employees as of 2015
- Bruscato Joseph P $163,184 State's Attorney
- Marino Lawrence M $159,265 Sheriff's Dept
- Sorensen Karen L $148,258 Public Defender (Now retired)
- Andrews Scott A $139,745 Deputy Chief
- Martell Sandra L $138,028 Public Health Administrator
- Kurlinkus David J $136,156 Chief of Staff & Civil Bureau.
- Hite-Ross Marilyn J $134,860 Chief of the Criminal Bureau for Winnebago
- Ditzler Kurt K $134,699 Former Winnebago County Sheriff's Chief Deputy
- Chapman Steven M $132,010 County Administrator
- Schultz Michael A $128,152 Sheriff's Office Deputy Chief
Source: notes that the salaries represent only “pensionable” salary. These figures are not total cost which includes perks & pension benefits.