WATCH: Car Smashes into an Illinois Police Dept. Building at Full Speed
This is crazy! There is literally no information as far as who was driving, were they injured, or how did it happen. All we have is security cam footage of a gnarly car vs. building scenario. The crash took place on the morning of Wednesday, May 26, 2021, at 10:06 am, to be exact, in Sycamore.
Here's What We Know
We know the weather conditions appear to be fine with no rain on the roads, in fact, it looked like a bright sunny day.
We know there were witnesses who jumped out of the vehicle within a second or two are the vehicle hit the building. (Look at the white truck.)
We believe this is still being investigating by DeKalb County Sheriff’s Office as there have been no updates since this video was shared.
How Did It Happen?
There does not appear to be an answer as of this article. Was it a medical emergency? The speed of the vehicle kind of kiboshes the question of distracted driving.
Here is the short security cam footage of the car crashing into the Sycamore Police Department at a high rate of speed.
What were the circumstances surrounding this accident? Was it a medical emergency? I'm no expert but does the vehicle seem to be moving too fast for it to be distracted driving? In any event, what a frightening scene it must have been,
To lighten the mood, here is a video of cute kittens.