This Rockford Coffee Is Great in More Ways Than One
I just found out that there's coffee roasted right here in Rockford, that the makers say is great in more ways than one.
Oh really?
Now I'm intrigued.
How can this be?
According to their website, the Fire Department Coffee is not only great in taste, it's also great because "a portion of every [coffee] order goes to support firefighter and military charities. Wow! Now that is really cool.
Whenever we purchase a bag of their coffee we stand alongside them supporting our nation's heroes.
Now doesn't that give you the goosebumps and warm fuzzies?
Their mission in making this coffee was to make something that 's not only great in taste but easy to drink for the everyday hardworking individual.
Ok, that sounds about like all of us.
They are so sure of their product that whenever an order is made, the coffee is freshly roasted right then. It's not been roasted and freeze-dried or packed in stacks on a shelf. They literally roast your coffee beans right then. Their Moto: "You order.
We roast. We deliver. It’s that simple."
How's that for service? Not to mention freshness.
They have several kinds to choose from. Original, Dark Roast, a Christmas Blend (website says it tastes like Christmas morning) as well as their new line of spirit-infused coffees.
No, I'm not talking about spooky ghosts but drinking spirits of Tequila, Rum, and Bourbon. Mmmm now don't those sound yummy?
The prices really aren't bad. They range from $11.99 for a bag of the original blend to $19.99 for a bag of spirit-infused coffees. You can get them either ground or whole bean too.
Right now the only way to purchase a bag is to order from the company's website,
Wow! I honestly had no idea about this coffee. Did you?
Now I want to try it. Especially the rum infused coffee.