This Is The Germiest Thing Is In A Hotel Room
Once you find out what the "germiest" thing is in a hotel room you're going to think twice about ever using it again. Even if it does come with the room.
I'm betting you think you already know don't you?
Here's a few things, I'm sure you think it is, but I'm here to tell you it's not.
It's not the TV remote.
It's not the toilet or toilet seat.
It's not the sink, shower or tub.
Give up?
You are so going to gross out when you read this.
It's the HAIR DRYER!
Yep, that's the right the one that hangs on the wall or the one you find in the dresser drawer.
According to Travel and Leisure, "Chuck Gerba, a microbiologist who worked with ABC for their hotel cleanliness experiment, swabbed items in nine different Los Angeles-area hotels to find out which ones are the nastiest, and he was not impressed with what he found. "There must be some things you can do with a hair dryer that I am not aware of, because some of them were pretty germy," he said."
Eww.... I don't want to know what those "other things" are. Do you?
I had no idea they were that dirty and nasty.
Apparently, hair dryers get overlooked when it comes to the house keeping cleaning the rooms for the next visitor.Hair dryers can go days, weeks, months, maybe years before they're even cleaned.
Oh and by the way it doesn't matter if the hotel room is a dive or a swanky expensive one. There were germs in both places.
Soooo, the next time you book a room, you have two things you can do.
1. Bring antibacterial wipes and wipe it down.
2. Bring your own hair dryer and never have to worry about the nasty, creepy, crawlies that have been hanging out on the hair dryer.