The New Bag Policy at Winnebago County Courthouse Is Making People Angry
Winnebago County Sheriff's Office has announced changes to their list of prohibited items in the courthouse amidst security-related budget cuts. People are not happy about this, as you will see by reading comments on a Facebook post from Eyewitness News.
According to the press release on the Sheriff's Facebook account, bags will be banned from entering the court remove with consideration of those containing medical and baby supplies.
I don't own a purse (it's a satchel) but I can imagine the inconvenience this new rule may cause but I also understand the reasoning. There will be less security due to mandatory budget cuts which means less security at the entrances of the courthouse. As someone that has close family and friends that work inside the courthouse, I feel the new policy is justified. Safety first, especially inside a courthouse.
Official Banned Items List:
The new policy begins Monday, October 23, 2017. Courthouse officials advise arriving early if you're going inside the Winnebago County Circuit Court building to avoid being late, according to Eyewitness News.