
iPhone Storage Tips
iPhone Storage Tips
iPhone Storage Tips
This picture is the story of my life these days, and it just happened again to me this morning. I delete photos and other nonsense constantly, but I still get the "Storage is Full" notification at least once every couple weeks. Thank goodness I came across these easy hacks to get rid of my "Storage is Full" nemesis for good!
App to Stop Cyber Bullying
App to Stop Cyber Bullying
App to Stop Cyber Bullying
Thanks to a 15-year-old from Naperville, Illinois, there is now an app that gives teens and cyber bullies the chance to think twice before sending hurtful messages on social media.
Don't Share These Online
Don't Share These Online
Don't Share These Online
We know not to share passwords, bank information, or other personal info on the internet, but did you know that telling the world what your favorite movie is could put you at risk as well?
Shorter E.R. Wait Times
Shorter E.R. Wait Times
Shorter E.R. Wait Times
Lately Stateline area emergency rooms have reported treating record breaking numbers of patients, making E.R. wait times even longer and more unbearable. It's a good thing all three of our local hospitals are introducing new pieces of technology that should make these horrendous wait times a thing of the past.
Uses for your old gadgets
Uses for your old gadgets
Uses for your old gadgets
Nothing is as fun as upgrading your phone or tablet. However, now you're left with your old gadget that functions just isn't new any more. Here's some great uses for them.