
Skinny Selfies
Skinny Selfies
Skinny Selfies
Ever looked at a friend's latest selfie and secretly thought, "how the heck does she make herself look so good? She doesn't look like that in real life." Well, the truth is that friend may be using the magical Skinniepix app to make themselves look 15 pounds thinner.
Pregnancy App
Pregnancy App
Pregnancy App
We use our phones for everything these days.  There's an app for just about everything you can think off including pregnancy test. Yes you read that right, now your smart phone can tell if your pregnant.
New Alarm Clock Forces You to Get Out of Bed To Shut It Off
New Alarm Clock Forces You to Get Out of Bed To Shut It Off
New Alarm Clock Forces You to Get Out of Bed To Shut It Off
Ever since I was a child I have been guilty of being an snooze abuser. These days it has gotten even worse. On a typical weekday morning I will hit snooze for almost an hour. Ridiculous, I know, but I just can't get out of bed. I wonder if this new alarm clock would force me to mend my ways, and stop wasting an hour of precious sleep?
Too Much Technology [Video]
Too Much Technology [Video]
Too Much Technology [Video]
Technology is all around us. We use it constantly. The questions to ask is "are we using and relying on it too much? Are we missing out on day to day things?" Watch this video and see if it doesn't get you to look up from your phone.
The Babypod
The Babypod
The Babypod
We've all heard about the effects and benefits of music starting at the beginning of life, but this device takes music to where music has never been before, and I don't think I'm digging it.
Netflix Socks
Netflix Socks
Netflix Socks
As every Netflix junkie knows, falling asleep during a binge watching session can be a real problem. You get all comfy cozy watching episode one of a new show, and the next thing you know you awaken to discover a whole new batch of characters on the screen you don't recognize. Thank goodness Netflix invented socks that will save us from the maddening search process of figuring out what episode you
Germ Zapping Robots [Video]
Germ Zapping Robots [Video]
Germ Zapping Robots [Video]
I remember back in third grade singing a song for a school program about how computers and robots could do anything. Even though at that time technology was on the cusp, who knew that they really honestly could. Now there's robots to do anything  including zapping germs, like the one RMH (Rockford Memorial Hospital) has recently started using.
Beware of Free Wi-Fi
Beware of Free Wi-Fi
Beware of Free Wi-Fi
It seems like most businesses these days boast signs saying "Free Wi-Fi Available," but a shocking video from Today shows why we may want to think twice before we log in.

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