Rockton Avenue COVID-19 Testing Site to Permanently Close
Correct me if I'm wrong here, but with COVID-19 cases still on the rise in the 815, doesn't it seem odd that a COVID-19 testing site would be permanently closing?
Let's get to the facts first, according to mystateline.com;
The COVID-19 testing facility operated by Crusader Community Health on Rockton Avenue will close, effective Friday.
As I sit here and write this, there is no information on Crusader's website as to why the testing facility is closing, but I do know it was supported by the Illinois Department of Public Health and Illinois Primary Health Care Association, so maybe funding was running out? Crusader has said that they want to return to focusing on community care, so maybe that is our "why".
In all honesty, the "why" doesn't really matter. What does matter is knowing where you can go in Rockford now to get free COVID-19 testing. The answer? UIC Health Sciences Campus at 1601 Parkview Ave. in Rockford.
My family has gone through the drive-thru COVID-19 testing site at UIC a few times during this pandemic, and there is always a line. Yes, the testing staff is efficient and the line moves quickly, but with one less testing site available in Rockford, will that still be the case?
Ready for some good news? Mystateline.com also reports;
Officials say the site at UIC Health Sciences Campus – Rockford, at 1601 Parkview Ave, will expand testing capacity.
There's your "why" for how the Parkview testing site will manage additional case loads.
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