Rockford Students Create Powerful Anti-Domestic Violence Video
Back in May Rockford's Roosevelt School held a Domestic Violence Awareness Assembly, and during it, four Roosevelt high school students recited a poem entitled "I Got Flowers Today" that literally left me speechless.
I may not have been there in person to see this performance, but after watching this video I am floored by the power of the words these students created. I'm also heartbroken that they likely stem from actual life experiences.
I think every single one of us needs to watch this and really let the words sink in.
Roosevelt's Facebook says other students also submitted poetry and art to "have their own voice" during the assembly.
One of the students in the above video named Anna Tizapantzi told WIFR, "What I think we're trying to get with this video is we're trying to raise awareness and I guess for people to step up a little."