I live just a few miles from the CherryVale Mall, and I often find myself wondering how the huge plot of land just outside of it near Harrison and Bell School Road has stayed undeveloped for so many years. Well, it looks that may all be changing soon.

According to mystateline.com, on Wednesday Cherry Valley's Planning and Zoning Commission unanimously approved ordinance changes needed to build a new Mills Fleet Farm on the vacant land and widening South Bell School Road from 2 to 4 lanes.

If the project is approved by the full Village of Cherry Valley board, it would be the first Mills Fleet Farm for the Rockford area, and if all goes well, construction is expected to be finished by September 2019.

Cherry Valley Village President Jim Claeyssen recently told Eyewitness News;

This is just another boost to our local economy and another avenue for people to buy product that they normally wouldn't find in other places or underneath one roof together

A new car wash and gas station has been proposed for this land outside the mall as well, and the next project meeting is set for April 9th according to Eyewitness News.

Catch Lil Zim on ‘Q98.5 Mornings with Lil Zim & JB’ on Q98.5 from 5:00 a.m. to 10 a.m. Follow her on TwitterInstagram, and Facebook


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