Rockford Park District Wants Public Input About Recreational Needs
On Tuesday the Rockford Park District unveiled their new community involved Master Plan which essentially has one major goal; "To make sure your Rockford Park District is meeting the recreational needs of this and succeeding generations."
Sounds like an admirable goal, right? Maybe, but they can't do it without the public's help.
In their press release the Rockford Park District said;
A master plan will provide a series of recommendations that will help guide investment in District assets, along with decisions regarding obsolete, underutilized, or non-trending parks, facilities, and amenities. With declining revenue both through fees and a declining tax base, along with population and demographic shifts, it is becoming extremely difficult to provide the same level of service without an increase in new revenue or a decrease in the Park District’s footprint.
This is where we come in. If you don't want to see any more of your favorite park district attractions like the Forest City Queen or Sand Park Pool get cut and closed, then you NEED to get involved now.
There are three ways to get involved in the Park District's master plan process:
- Attend a Community Engagement Session - Several different sessions have been scheduled for various dates and locations across the Stateline beginning April 2 through May 19, 2018. See the list of dates and locations here.
- Take a Recreational Needs Assessment online here.
- Call the Community Hotline at 815-987-8871
Public input will be collected through June 15, 2018, and the Rockford Park District will present their finalized master plan to the community this August.
If your family utilizes many of the Park District's properties and services, this is your chance to let officials know what you really want your money to go towards.
Instead of sitting back and complaining about what we've lost or how much everything costs, do something about
Catch Lil Zim on ‘Q98.5 Mornings with Lil Zim & JB’ on Q98.5 from 5:00 a.m. to 10 a.m. Follow her on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook