Over the last few months, fake $20 bills have been used throughout Illinois and more fake money has made its way to the Rockford-area.

According to Rochelle Illinois Police, fake money has been used successfully in Rochelle on two separate occasions two days in a row at different locations. One of the bills was "movie money" and, although it is not illegal to have movie money in your possession, it is absolutely illegal if it is knowingly used to dupe banks and businesses.

Rochelle Police described the counterfeit $50 bills (two of them) as followed:

The bills had the same serial numbers and did not contain the security strip, watermark or color-shifting ink that appears on today’s US currency.

And, the $100 "movie money" was described as:

 The bill clearly states “For Motion Picture Purposes” and has none of the required security features required in today’s US currency.

Here's the $100 movie money:

Movie Money
Rochelle Illinois Police

Here's how to spot counterfeit money:

How To Spot Counterfeit Money
Rochelle Illinois Police

Be vigilant and check your money to be sure it's indeed real.

Catch JB Love on ‘Q98.5 Mornings with Lil Zim & JB’ on Q98.5 from 5:00 a.m. to 10 a.m. Follow her on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook.

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