One Woman Confirms This Old House in Wisconsin Is Truly the Spot of Childhood Terror
I tend to fall down rabbit holes about haunted places in Wisconsin quite often, and whenever I do, there is usually some kind of mention of a "Haunted Hill House" in Leopolis, Wisconsin.
While I may be familiar with its name, I never knew much about its history until I came across a Facebook post from a woman named Mary Sansevere, and now I am beyond fascinated.
The 'Haunted Hill House' in Leopolis, Wisconsin
The above house might look innocent and quaint, but many people say it is FILLED with spirits and paranormal experiences.
Mary Sansevere spent a handful of her childhood years living in Leopolis, Wisconsin and she says she used to play with a child who lived at this house on the hill that was once owned by the Brunner family.
Mary wrote about this house full of antique toys, dolls, and books, with a playroom in the attic that was set up like a classroom. It was in the attic that Mary spent the most time with the Brunner granddaughter, who was not allowed to leave the property. While that might strange in itself, just wait, there's more.
Mary says that she and her friend often heard footsteps going up and down the stairs, toys being moved or tampered with, and doors opening and closing on their own. Mary also describes in her post;
Once I was going to the bathroom and I heard growling and groaning coming up from exposed pipes that went down into the basement. There was also this laundry chute hidden inside a stairstep that went from upstairs all the way to down in the basement and we would open it up and sometimes we would hear children’s voices whispering and giggling and we would slam it down and run away screaming.
Why Are Children Haunting This Wisconsin Home?
As an adult, Mary has searched for answers as to why this house is so haunted. After doing a search through records of the cemetery located next to the house she discovered;
There are many Brunners buried there and many of them are children.
Could these young Brunner children be the ones haunting the home? We may never know for sure.
Read Mary's full account here...
Here are a few more videos I found on YouTube of other paranormal investigations done at Leopolis' Haunted Hill you now believe this could be one of the most haunted homes in Wisconsin?