Free Summer Fun for Kids in Northern Illinois and Southern Wisconsin
If you're a parent on the hunt for things to keep your kids entertained while school is out, here are some free programs you should check out in the Rockford area this summer.
Summer Break Troubles
When school goes on summer break, life can get VERY expensive for parents. You've got babysitters to pay for, summer camps to book, sports teams to join, vacations to take...the list goes on and on. When your wallet finally says "enough is enough", you have to find some free options to add to the summer-fun roster.
Free Summer Fun
I've been a mom for almost 10 years now, and I've learned a few important things (usually from other moms) along the way. When it comes to keeping kids entertained, engaged, and off an electronic device during the summer, here are a few tricks I've picked up in the last decade.
- Anywhere your kids can play with other kids is a win. Going to parks and scheduling playdates is a totally free and great way to make this happen.
- Make the Bible School circuit - Most churches in any city or town offer a week of vacation bible school at some point during the summer, and almost all of them are free to send your kids to. You don't have to be a member of the church hosting the VBS, and most of the activities they do during the week are more about fun than they are hardcore religious lessons.
- Sign your kids up for your local library's summer reading club. My kids don't love to read any other time of the year, but they are all about it when they get to earn prizes for each book they read during the summer. These clubs are usually free and offer a new activity or craft each week.
Are those three options not enough to fill your kids' social calendar this summer and still keep your wallet happy? Here are a few more from Stateline Kids...