Former Rockfordian Gets Appointment From Biden Administration
I'm venturing way out of my comfort zone writing this article, I don't usually touch anything political, BUT this actually has nothing to do with politics, only my pride about a fellow Jefferson J-Hawk currently doing amazing things for our Country.
On Inauguration Day I hopped on Facebook to see what was up, and what I found in my Jefferson High School alumni Facebook group, J-Hawks Nest, had me smiling from ear-to-ear.
For those that don't know, I graduated from Jefferson High School in Rockford in 1997, and the lady I'm going to tell you about graduated in 1998. I may not have been "friends" with her, but I certainly remember seeing her face in the halls, and it is awesome to see her slaying goals in her adult life.
Her name is Reyma McCoy McDeid, and as of January 20, 2021, she is now the "Commissioner of the Administration on Disabilities and Director of the Independent Living Administration" appointed by the Biden/Harris administration.
According to Administration for Community Living website;
She provides executive leadership for a range of programs that empower people with disabilities to live independently and fully participate in their communities and serves as a senior advisor to the ACL Administrator on issues affecting individuals with disabilities and their families. She also serves as the Director of the Independent Living Administration.
According to Reyma's website, since graduating from Jefferson High School in 1998, she has moved back to Iowa and has worked tirelessly for people with disabilities. She advocates for them, engages them in the political process, and educates elected officials about some of the biggest issues people with disabilities face. Reyma is also autistic, so she is a shining voice for the people she so passionately represents.
Congratulations, Reyma! You've made your fellow J-Hawks extremely proud!
Catch Lil Zim on ‘Q98.5 Mornings with Lil Zim & JB’ on Q98.5 from 6:00 a.m. to 10 a.m. Follow her on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook
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