Another Whopper of a Weather Weekend Could Be Coming
Yes, I know today is only Monday and that a lot of things could change from now until then, BUT when you see several weather forecasters predicting ANOTHER wintry mess of a weekend ahead, you gotta talk about it.
Let's start with the first post I saw Sunday morning before we even started to shovel this past weekend's mess of snow...It comes from former Rockfordian and WREX Chief Meteorologist Eric Sorensen, who now lives in the Quad Cities.
After seeing that I thought, well, he lives in the Quad Cities, so I'll take that double-scenario of bad news with a grain of salt. Then I saw this post from Eyewitness News Chief Meteorologist Candice King...
Well now...at least Candice isn't saying "blizzard" so I'm starting to feel a little better ....then I read this from WIFR Chief Meteorologist Mark Henderson and immediately start shivering again.
Sounds just wonderful, right? 😒
FYI, the US National Weather Service in Chicago is also preparing us now for the cold to come too...
For the record let me state again, it is only Monday and things could definitely change for the better in the next 6 days, BUT you might want to get your groceries earlier in the week and stock up on the ice melt now...just in case.
Extreme cold or several more inches of snow? Which would you choose?
Catch Lil Zim on ‘Q98.5 Mornings with Lil Zim & JB’ on Q98.5 from 6:00 a.m. to 10 a.m. Follow her on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook
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