A few weeks ago there was an article posted to this website hitting with a similar message. Some readers left comments one might label as naive, I'll call those comments elementary, or dare I say "childish?"

As the debate of masks, their usefulness, or (as some have said from day 1) their rights infringed, one thing is factual, face masks have been worn for medical reasons for a long time. But, there is one thing that needs to be understood before mocking an individual seen wearing a mask at a time when requirements lessen as more vaccinations occur.

This week, Winnebago County Health Department, which has been heavily mocked during the COVID-19 pandemic, shared a post that is worthy of sharing.

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The fact of the matter is some people wearing masks might be sporting these face covers because their life depends on it, literally.

If you're rolling your eyes at this point you may have zero compassion for the sick.

Six Reason You Someone Might Be Wearing a Face Mask

There are many reasons an individual may continue to wear a mask or face covering since the CDC updated the masking guidelines for fully vaccinated individuals. Show those individuals kindness, not judgment.

What are those reasons?

  1. They're not fully vaccinated.
  2. They have unvaccinated children at home.
  3. They might have an autoimmune disease.
  4. They may wear a mask to alleviate symptoms of asthma.
  5. They are trying to protect high-risk family members.
  6. They have cancer.

It's important as a human to stop judging or making assumptions about others over something you might label as "political" or "sheep-like."

In the words of Winnebago County Health Department, be kind to everyone.

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