Yes I know Halloween is over, but if the price for candy goes up even more next year, perhaps we should all take inspiration from this family in Milwaukee, Wisconsin that added a little more trick to their treats this year.

Trick-Or-Treat Candy Must-Haves

When it comes to the kinds of candy I buy for trick-or-treaters I have one main goal, buy candy that I like in case there are any leftovers. LOL! Seriously though, my house is a fun-size (not small squares) chocolate bars, M&Ms, and Tootsie Roll Pops place. I would love to hand out full-size candy bars, but we get a LOT of trick-or-treaters and I just don't have the budget to splurge on the big ones. That being said, I love Halloween, and I want all the trick-or-treaters to look forward to visiting our home each year.

If I really want our house to be known as THE place to trick-or-treat, perhaps I should consider handing out potatoes next year? Yes, I said potatoes.


Odd Halloween Treats

On Milwaukee recently posted an article about one Wisconsin resident named Sarah Ross who went viral for handing out potatoes to trick-or-treaters on Halloween. Here is what Ross posted on Facebook Halloween night;

I'm handing out full size candy bars per usual, but I'm also putting a potato in the bowl just to see what happens.


Could she not afford the high prices of Halloween candy?

Did she forget to buy candy and just handed out items from her pantry instead?


Sarah Ross wanted to make people laugh and talk, and it worked!

Kids Prefer Potatoes Over Candy?

As Halloween night progressed Sarah Ross continued to update her post with reactions from kids, families, and of course, the number of potatoes she had handed out. Some of my favorite reactions include:

First kid, very young. Takes the potato and is incredibly excited. Tells every other house on the block: 'I GOT A POTATO' ... Parents very confused but excited about it


Every teen is yelling about the potatoes. Amazing. They are yelling 'POTATO GANG' at each other.


We had one kid ask what it was, then say 'no potatoes!' Then pause and put the candy back to take the potato.


We have gone through 40 potatoes. Parents have told us they've heard the legend of the potato and been scouring the neighborhood.

All in all, Sarah Ross had 46 potatoes available to hand out on Halloween, and she completely ran out when there was still about an hour left of trick-or-treating time.

Is there a lesson to learn here? I don't know, but kids in Milwaukee either really love potatoes or they just wanted to come home with something different on Halloween. Either way, it's spudtastic!

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