Video Shows Rockford Legislator in Springfield Goofing Around on the Job
Boy, it must be nice to get paid a lot of money by the taxpayers of Illinois, and goof around on the job. Leave it to your elected representatives.
Last time I checked, the state of Illinois did not have a budget and social service agencies and state vendors are waiting to paid. So, what was one of Rockford's representatives to the Illinois House of Representatives doing? Working? Nope! She helping to planning a softball game on taxpayer time.
Yes, in the Illinois House, last week, representatives were caught on video wasting precious time to discuss the upcoming House vs. Senate softball game and basketball game. Democratic Rockford State Rep. Litesa Wallace, spoke to the chamber, to let members know that "cheerleaders and pom-poms would be ready." Don't believe me? Just listen. (Rep. Wallace speaks at 1:15 into the video)
Rep. Wallace, have you forgotten the state has not had a budget for 700 days? Did you forget the legislative session ends on May 31st?
Keep in mind that taxpayers are paying Ms Wallace $67,836.00 a year plus per diem. Ms. Wallace represents Illinois 67th district and her offices are located here in Rockford.
May I suggest a little more work and a lot less goofing off on the taxpayers' dime?