Taxes Are Going Up!Taxes Are Going Up!It's official, if you work in Illinois, your income tax rate will go up by 32%, permanently.Mark CharvatMark Charvat
Stop teh tax Increase?Stop teh tax Increase?Over the weekend, the Illinois Senate and House passed measures to increase the income tax each worker in Illinois pays.Mark CharvatMark Charvat
32% Tax Increase Passes32% Tax Increase PassesSunday evening, the Illinois house voted 72-45 to raise Illinois income tax rate by 32%. It will be the largest permanent tax hike in Illinois' history.Mark CharvatMark Charvat
Springfield WasteSpringfield WasteBoy, it must be nice to get paid a lot of money by the taxpayers of Illinois, and goof around on the job. Leave it to your elected representatives.Mark CharvatMark Charvat