It's finally 2022, and I think we all start each new year with the intention to make it the best year ever, but more often than not, outside circumstances poo all over our good intentions pretty quick.

Catherine Jones; ThinkStock
Catherine Jones; ThinkStock

If you are determined that 2022 will be far better than the past two years, I think you need to take the bull by the horns and make it happen. Come up with a plan or list of places you want to go, things you want to do in 2022, and stick to it. Don't think of it as a New Year's resolution, but a 12-month plan for happiness instead.

Plan a  Road Trip For Each Month in 2022


Perhaps finding time each month to jump in the car and explore some cool places in Illinois would do your spirit a whole lot of good this year? If that answer is yes, here are some Illinois places suggests visiting in 2022. They've even selected an excursion for each month of the year to make it even easier to plan your 2022 agenda, or just take their lead and plan a 12-month agenda of your own!

12 Amazing Illinois Day Trips to Take Each Month in 2022

10 of the Best Road Trips to Take When You Need to Escape Illinois This Winter

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