I'm pretty sure this Mount Morris man was thinking he'd be out on the Rock River for a normal day of fishing.

You have to see the unusual catch of the day he captured on his line.

This is honestly something you don't see everyday, especially floating in the Rock River.

The Rochelle News Leader shares that Jim Gross from Mount Morris set to go fishing on the Rock River. He picked his spot that was just a little south of downtown Oregon, IL.

That's when he felt something on his line. Thinking he got his line snagged on something he pulled the line in.

That's when it saw it. No it wasn't a catfish or walleye groping along the bottom. It wasn't an old tire or sunken branch.

Jim reeled in a grenade.

Yes a real, yet very rusted, grenade.

Jim said that "“I saw it, I was really excited.... And then I was shocked.”

He thinks it might quite possibly be WWII era. "The pin had rusted out of the grenade."

Jim said that he "would have liked to donate the rusty artifact to a local museum with war items. But he called the Oregon Police Department, which had a group come from Rockford come down to pick of the grenade for safe disposal."

Wow! that is weird!

How did it get there? Who tossed it into the river and why?

There's so many questions swirling around this found item.

Now it makes you wonder what else may be lurking at the bottom of the Rock River?




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