Rockford Mayor Reacts To Controversial Boone County Flyers
After Belvidere and Boone County residents began sharing images of "Keep America American" fliers left in their driveways, it's become a hot topic in the Rock River Valley. Not only are neighboring residents and Rockford TV stations talking about the (what many are calling) racist flyers, Rockford mayor Thomas McNamara has shared his thoughts on the controversial fliers.
In a Facebook post, Rockford's mayor shared this,
This type of behavior has no place in our society.
It's hard to play devils advocate when it comes sensitive issues promoting segregation because of race, religion, or sexuality. Do we know if the "illegal immigrant" is actually illegal? Are they in the process of becoming a United States citizen? If those questions can not be answered there is no valid argument to defend such opinions. Unless your bloodline traces back to 100% Native American, there were immigrants in your family tree at some point, right?
Mayor McNamara went further on the fliers and the message attached,
Should similar action take place in Rockford, I will make sure the individuals and groups responsible know that they are the ones not welcome here. Everyone who calls Rockford home should have an opportunity to succeed.
Politics aside, spreading hate is simply unacceptable. (You can view the flier here because it won't be embedded in this article.) And, the individuals responsible for creating and distributing these materials should feel embarrassment and shame.
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