On Wednesday construction officially began on a new events pavilion at Aldeen Golf Club on Reid Farm Road in Rockford. I'm sure you're probably thinking the same thing I did upon hearing this news; "wait a minute, isn't Aldeen Golf Club a Rockford Park District property, and aren't they slashing programs to make up for a million dollar budget deficit?" All true facts, but this new construction is still possible due to  receiving 2.7 million dollars in generous donations.

According to a press release from the Rockford Park District;

The Rockford Park District is utilizing a variety of funding opportunities to make this project happen, including $2.7 million in generous donations, a naming rights agreement, and a continued partnership with Giovanni's Restaurant & Convention Center, which operates Graystone Grill at Aldeen Golf Club.  Generous partners such as Rockford Bank & Trust (naming rights partner), Rick and Lana Engen, Norris & Margaret Aldeen Foundation along with Giovanni's Restaurant & Convention Center contributed to the project.

The new Rockford Bank & Trust Pavilion will be about 9,000 square feet is size and will be able to hold about 250 people. It will include "a full cooking kitchen and event bar, exposed rafter ceilings, large stone fireplace, huge glass windows to view the golf course to the south and west, outdoor pergola, and private brides’ room for weddings."

With the addition of this new indoor events pavilion, the Rockford Park District is hoping to bring back golf events they've lost, and "bring new revenue to Aldeen Golf Club through non-golf events". The Park District also says the new Rockford Bank & Trust Pavilion "is an example of how the District can bring in new revenue and reduce dependency on taxes."

I sure hope they are right. I will miss Trolley Car 36 at the Rockford City Market this year.

Catch Lil Zim on ‘Q98.5 Mornings with Lil Zim & JB’ on Q98.5 from 5:30 a.m. to 10 a.m. Follow her on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook


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