Rock Valley College Seals Time Capsule For 2070 Opening
Back in November, officials at Rock Valley College (RVC) got together at the cornerstone of the Educational Resource Center (ERC) to take a look behind it at a time capsule put there in 1970.
Behind the cornerstone is a small vault that was used to house the 1970 time capsule, and now that same vault is being used for a new RVC time capsule that's scheduled for reopening in 50 years (November 23rd, 2070 to be exact).
So what did they find in the 1970 time capsule?
They found various documents and artifacts pertinent to the history of Rock Valley College. Most of the documents were preserved on microfiche format, while audio and video files were recorded to 16 millimeter reels to conserve space. Those items include (and can be viewed or listened to by clicking here):
- Handwritten Situation Report: November 23, 1970
- A Junior College Proposal for Boone and Winnebago Counties March 1964
- Vote Chart for Referendum to Create RVC in 1964
- Meeting Minutes from First RVC Board of Trustees Meeting in 1964
- 1965-66 Catalog
- 1966-67 Student Handbook
- 1970-71 Catalog
- 1970 Cornerstone Dedication Ceremony Program
- 1970-71 Student Handbook
- First Student Newspaper
- Rockford Journal: November 5, 1970
- Rockford Register Republic: November 4, 1970
- Fall 1970 Class Schedule
- The Valley Forge: November 4, 1970
- The Valley Forge: November 18, 1970
- WCEE-TV Recap of 1970 National News
- WTVO-TV 1970 News Segment
- 1970 Local Radio Broadcasts (Including WROK!)
- Audio Recording of 1970 Cornerstone Ceremony
- Board Resolution: To Open Cornerstone Vault in Year 2020
As for what went into the new time capsule that will be opened in 50 years:
- 2020 College Documents
- 2020 Events Promo Materials
- Top RVC News Stories of 2020
- RVC 2020 in Photos
- RVC 2020 in Videos
- 2020 Student Video Greetings
- Poem for RVC on 11/19/2020 by RVC Alumna Jenna Goldsmith
- WREX 2020 News Recap
- Tangible Items
- Board Resolution: Lifetime Achievement Awards for Dr. Karl Jacobs & Jack Wolf
- Board Resolution: To Open Cornerstone Vault in Year 2070