Rock River Valley Blood Center Needs Blood Badly
The Rock River Blood Center needs blood badly.
In fact, the center is so low on blood they told WIFR that they could barely last one day on what supply they have on hand.
Oh my goodness . That is not good.
How did this shortage happen?
The center said that low supply is due to several factors: the holidays (everyone is busy shopping or traveling), the recent frigid temperatures (no one wants to venture out) and the nasty cold and flu season has also kept donors away.
The center is in dire need of the following blood types: A-negative, O-negative, B-negative and B-positive.
If you are one of those types would you consider donating?
It takes about 30 minutes and all that is required is that the donor "be in good health and at least 17 years old, or 16 years old with parental consent. Donors should also weight at least 110 pounds."
To find out where you can donate, or make an appointment visit
Wow! Honestly, it's time we roll up our sleeves and help and organization that is there to help us in those emergency times.
Let's not let the spirit of giving only be set aside for Christmas, we should look to help others 365 days a year.