Rock River Valley Blood Center Desperately Needs Blood Donations
It's a common problem in the Summer; people are too busy having fun and vacationing to make time to donate blood. What's not as common though is blood donations being delivered to hospitals faster than they are coming in.
This is exactly what is happening at Rock River Valley Blood Center currently, and WIFR is reporting that the center says they are "at a 'critical level' for blood shortages".
Please make some time to donate blood today. You never know when you, or someone you love, will need a life-saving blood transfusion. What if a death occurs because there was no blood available? It's something I don't want to even think about, and it's something that can be easily avoided by you and me today.
The entire blood donation process takes less than an hour and can be done today if you are in good health, weigh at least 110 pounds, and are at least 17 years old,( or 16 with parental consent). You can make an appointment online at or by calling 815-965-8751. You can also see what blood donation events are happening this week by following the Rock River Valley Blood Center on Facebook.