Drink all the green beer you want this weekend but don't drive. Getting pulled over this weekend from drinking and driving will likely get you sent to jail.

Go directly to jail, do not pass go, do not collect two hundred dollars. Drinking and driving is never a game, it's a bad idea. If you do it this weekend and get pulled over, plan on going to jail.

Winnebago County police departments aren't playing games this weekend - it's another "No Refusal Weekend." Rockford Police Department's Facebook account says if you're stopped because of drinking suspicion and refuse a breathalyzer you will booked at the county jail without hesitation.

If a driver is suspected of being under the influence of drugs or alcohol, and they refuse to submit to a breathalyzer after being asked to by a police officer, the individual will be automatically transported to the Winnebago County Jail.

Even more problems will come your way if you refuse a blood test.

If an individual continues to refuse to submit to a blood test, they could face Obstruction of Justice charges in addition to the Driving Under the Influence charge.

"No Refusal Weekend" happened this past July 4th and was deemed successful. It's all about keeping roads safe and drivers sober.

If you're going out to celebrate St. Patrick's Day with a drink or ten try any of these options this weekend. Use Uber or call a Rockford-area taxi.

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