Illinois’ Best Fast Food Restaurant Won’t Be Opening New Stores In The State?
If you have to drive a considerable distance to enjoy what has been dubbed as the best fast food in Illinois you're not going to like this. It looks like there isn't a possibility of a new location opening near you.
Portillo's is not overrated, don't even let that thought into your brain. This isn't an opinion, this is a straight-up fact. Illinois' biggest fast food chain is no stranger to the title of "Best Fast Food In Illinois."
How can you not like at least one item on the menu at Portillo's?
If you're thinking, "It's possible, trust me.", you're a thief of joy unless you are unequivocal vegan. Even if that is the case there are still vegetables you could order while enjoying the interior of the store.
When the Portillo's opened in Rockford it was as if clouds parted and God laid upon a piece of Heaven onto the forest city. I will never get sick of their food.
"I want a Portillo's that is closer to my town!"
An article published by Illinois Policy suggests there will be new Portillo's locations popping up in the future but as far as your area? You might be lacking those magnificent chocolate cake shakes for a while.
Who is to blame? It's not Dick Portillo, the chairman of the board, or even the company's current CEO. Blame it on Illinois and the fact that people are moving out of the state in high numbers. Here's a comment from the man in charge, Michael Osanloo.
We’re going to places where the population is growing, where the economies are healthy, where there is a great environment for companies, and where maybe the labor situation is not quite as challenging in some other markets.
This doesn't mean the Land Of Lincoln won't see any new Portillo's in the future but most will be popping up in the south, primarily Arizona, Florida, and Texas. You can read more here.