I don't want to sit here and cry about how cold it is in the Midwest right now, BUT every day new proof of that fact keeps popping up.

Last week it was video proof of semi-creepy ice chunks floating all over Lake Michigan...

Now it looks like we've moved into a whole new level of frozen craziness on Lake Michigan. Check out this video shared by The View that was captured by Indiana Dunes State Park last week...


Have you ever seen anything like that on a body of water before?!?

Of course I had to know how huge ice boulders like that form, and it's pretty much exactly how I was thinking. Here's the explanation from Indiana Dunes State Park on Facebook;

Similar to building a snowman, Lake Michigan’s waves did all this work this weekend to make these boulders from ice sheets and the slushy snow we had. As the waves breaks off pieces of the ice sheets along the shore, the chunks fall off into the water. The waves then roll these ice chunks over and over again smoothing and shaping them into spheres.

Indiana Dunes State Park's post goes onto to say that the above video was actually shot on the morning of January 31st and that by the end of that day, the ice "spheres" had been washed back into the water and likely melted. Either way, that's some crazy cold action at work!

Stay warm friends, these brutally cold temps won't be going away anytime soon.

Catch Lil Zim on ‘Q98.5 Mornings with Lil Zim & JB’ on Q98.5 from 6:00 a.m. to 10 a.m. Follow her on TwitterInstagram, and  Facebook


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