Sunday Funday Will Have to Happen Without One of Your Favorite Illinois Restaurants This Summer
Some people love Sundays. Sunday is the day for football and church. Sunday is a good day for brunches, sleeping in, or getting together with family and friends, but what if you had to work on Sundays and could never do any of those fun things?
The Problem With Sunday
Next to Monday, Sunday is probably my second least favorite day of the week. I know most of you probably think I am nuts following that statement, but please let me explain myself.
Yes, Sunday is a perfect day for weekend fun, but Sunday afternoons are the worst because you know the start of another work week is coming fast. Sundays are typically the day I do house chores too, so there's another reason I dislike it.
With that being said, I'm still glad I have Sundays off. Too often I forget about the other people who always have to work on Sundays, and what a bummer that must be for them. Thankfully a recent Facebook post from Lucha Cantina in Rockford set me straight.
Are you ready for some slightly bummer news? Lucha Cantina has just announced that they will be closed on Sundays this summer, and here's the reason why;
Restaurant people have been conditioned to work when others are not working. I get it, there are times when that needs to happen, but just because one works in a restaurant shouldn’t have to mean they need to plan months in advance to get off work for a cook out.
Lucha's post goes on to say that on Sundays this summer they will be "golfing, riding our bikes, going to church, tubing down the Kish (not me) or day drinking on a patio", and I totally commend them for making that tough choice! The last few years have been rough on everyone, especially the restaurant business, so they totally deserve to have Sunday Fundays too!
How to Survive Summer Sundays Without Lucha Cantina
If grabbing delicious tacos and margs at Lucha is part of your typical Sunday routine, you'll have to get proactive this summer. Either move your Lucha Sunday tradition to Saturday or figure out what dishes (and drinks) you can order for pickup on Saturday but still enjoy on Sunday. Where there's a will, there's a way, and I'm confident we will all make it through.
To Lucha Cantina employees I'd like to say, enjoy your summer Sundays! You've more than earned it!
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