Look who I met Saturday Night at the Rockford Speedway.

Susan Tyler
Susan Tyler

This is Kodee Busekros, he's the driver for the Q98.5 car.

This guy is only 15 and is driving in a race car that can go up to over 100 miles an hour on the track!

He started racing in Go-Karts at the age of 9, graduated up to racing in the midgets and now he's racing in a stock car.

Isn't funny how Kodee isn't old enough to drive a car in IL legally on the roadways, but he can race in a stock car?

If you have any teenage girls in the house they need to meet this guy. Not only is he very polite but he looks like a younger version of Hunter Hayes. If I were a teenager I'd be crushing on him.

To see more of Kodee Busekros (Pronounced Buzzy-Cross) in action, come on out to the Rockford Speedway and cheer him and your favorite station on!  You know he's driving the best car ever! Q98.5!

Visit Rockford Speedway for the racing schedule.

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