Illinois Bars and Restaurants Can Now Fill More Than Pints
Governor Pritzker signed a law immediately affecting growlers and crowlers.
If a business serves beer, they can legally fill growlers and crowlers. According to House Bill 3610, they can refill up to 128 ounces and must be labeled appropriately with the following:
The brand name of the product dispensed;
The name of the brewer or bottler;
The type of product, such as beer, ale, lager, bock, stout, or other brewed or fermented beverage;
The net contents;
The name and address of the business that cleaned, sanitized, labeled, and filled or refilled the growler or crowler;the date the growler or crowler was filled or refilled;
the growler or crowler has been purged with CO2 prior to sealing the container;
The law is effective immediately.
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