Miss one? All of Your Afternoon Mindbender Answers are Here
We had a lot of fun asking these questions, did you know all the answers?
Did you play along this past week and miss an answer to one of my Q98.5 Afternoon Mindbender questions? You can find all the answers for the past week’s trivia questions here.
Don’t forget you can play the Q98.5 Afternoon Mindbender at weekdays 4:20 p.m.
Q98.5 AFTERNOON MINDENDER QUESTIONS (week of 11/28/16– 12/02/16)
Monday’s Question: Today, 11% of you have ignored a phone call at work today because you were
Answer: shopping
Winner: Karen from Rockton
Tuesday’s Question: After money, THIS is the top reward employers give their employees.
Answer: Lunch
Winner: Dave from Rockford
Wednesday’s Question: When it comes to work, A new study says that the best time to do this is at 6:38am on Tuesday?
Answer: Call in Sick!
Winner: Carl from Rockford
Thursday’s Question: The best excuse for pulling a sickie (calling in sick) is to tell your boss you have
Answer: ‘stomach problems’.
Winner: Kyle from Stillman
Friday’s Question: No Question – Toy Drive
Congratulations to all of our winners!