Foundation Trying To Reopen Red Oak Playground In Rock Cut Park
Growing up one of my favorite things to do was going to the park. Playing on the jungle gym, see saw, monkey bars or even just walking my dogs or playing a game of catch. I have a lot of fond memories from hanging out at the park with my friends. City parks are a great thing, it gives you a little chance to relax and escape the day to day without having to travel too far.
The Red Oak playground in Rock Cut State Park has been closed for a while now. the playground just wasn't safe due to rusted playground equipment and lack of upkeep. According to MyStateline.com,The Stateline Foundation is trying to get the funds to remodel the playground. The funds would secure new equipment and a more nature themed playground. The improvements would include new sections for older and younger kids as well as new swings for special needs children. The foundation is hoping to raise around $70,000 dollars to make it a reality. If you want to help, here is a link to the GoFundMe page.