Don’t Swim In the Rock River, Unless You Want to Get Sick
It really pains me to be the person that tells you not to do something in Rockford, but for the for the time being, you really shouldn't swim in the Rock River.
Boat on it, put your feet in it, but for the safety of your intestines, DO NOT open your mouth anywhere near it.
According to WREX, the Rock County Public Health Department did some surface water testing on several areas of the Rock River this week, and the results were not good.
Sampling on June 19 indicated E. Coli levels in excess of 1000 colony forming units per 100 mls of water at 16 locations in Rock County.
At this level of E. Coli bacteria, surface water may not be suitable for recreational activities that could result in water ingestion due to the potential risk of intestinal illness.
The WREX article does say that runoff from this week's heavy rains are likely the culprit for the high levels of E. Coli, so to Mother Nature I would like to say this: Thanks for wrecking our weekend, and likely our 4th of July fun as well.
Hope you get well soon, Rock River. We can't be friends as long as you are nasty. #sorrynotsorry
Catch Lil Zim on ‘Q98.5 Mornings with Lil Zim & JB’ on Q98.5 from 5:00 a.m. to 10 a.m. Follow her on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook
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