Watching video footage of the looting that is occurring throughout our country infuriates me to the core. I have started straight up ignoring most of these videos on social media, unless I see they involve Rockford.

During times like this when we all feel helpless to stop the insanity surrounding us, I truly believe keeping an eye out for suspicious behavior and reporting it to authorities is one of the only things we can safely do to help. By all means, don't go out looking for trouble, but if you know something that could benefit police, please don't hesitate to share it.

That being said, I want you to take a look at this video Rockford Area CrimeStoppers recently shared on Facebook Monday...

I'm only assuming here, but that video looks like looting Gruno's Diamonds was on the agenda for Saturday night, but something stopped it from happening...why else would all those cars be erratically driving around the parking lot like that?

If you recognize any of the cars seen in the above video, or if you have any information on the looting that has been happening in Rockford, please leave an anonymous tip at 815-963-7867 so all this destruction will stop before it gets worse.

This is hurting businesses and a community that is already struggling to keep their heads above water. There has to be a better way. Let's find it together and stop the madness.

Catch Lil Zim on ‘Q98.5 Mornings with Lil Zim & JB’ on Q98.5 from 6:00 a.m. to 10 a.m. Follow her on TwitterInstagram, and Facebook


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