Cool Crime Tool For Rockford Residents
Rockford residents have a cool new tool for residents to see where, when and what type of criminal activities have been reported near their neighborhood or street address.
One the most important things you can do before you move into a place is to know what the crime is like. Nobody wants to live in a crime infested neighborhood, if you can help it. It should come as no surprise, Rockford has a severe crime problem.
The website compiles data provided by local police departments and puts that information into an easy to read interactive map. The maps detail when, where and what type of crime happened in a particular neighborhood.
- Murder
- Disorderly conduct
- Burglary
- Sexual Predators and Offenders
- Assault
Their mission is to make citizens aware of their surroundings and to assist police departments
Crime data is extracted on a regular basis from each department's records system so that the information being viewed through a Web browser is the most current available.
So, where will you find the crime in Rockford? I searched data from October 2016 through March 2017. Each colored bubble represents a crime.
Let's start with the near west side/downtown of Rockford. 663 Police records found
Near East side of Rockford: 637 records found
Far East side of Rockford: 337 Police records found
The Crimemapping tool is not available for every city or town, yet, but as more and more police departments sign on, more information will soon be available. Currently only Rockford and Love Park police participate in the program.