You've seen a lot of abandoned places on YouTube,  but I guarantee you've never seen one quite like this.

I was watching abandoned building videos, like I usually do before bed, and came across this one in Wisconsin that looks totally normal on the outside and inside, except for one small little blemish on one of the walls.  Well... I wouldn't say small.  You've seen graffiti, gum all over the walls, and bizarre art still in perfect condition inside the abandoned homes, but a giant blobby substance?  Nah, something isn't right.

WARNING: Under no circumstances should you enter this property. By doing so you risk bodily harm and/or prosecution for trespassing on private property.

Before I show you the blob, you need to know what the house looks like on the outside first.  Just so you know it's literally a home you'd see anywhere else.

Decay Is Headed Your Way! - YouTube
Decay Is Headed Your Way! - YouTube

Typical abandoned house, right?  Looks a little rough, but nothing crazy.

Now here's the back of the home.  Same thing, can't believe the windows and sliding doors are still in tact!  You'd think someone would've busted them out by now.

Decay Is Headed Your Way! - YouTube
Decay Is Headed Your Way! - YouTube

Making our way inside, this home instantly seems to look like it could've once been a business.  Just based on the freezer doors and setup, I'm thinking it was a small convenience store?

The ceiling lights also throw it off a little bit, maybe a small bakery!

Decay Is Headed Your Way! - YouTube
Decay Is Headed Your Way! - YouTube

Once you enter the living room, there's leftover furniture, a couch, and even a dishwasher... I'm very confused how that got in there but okay haha.

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Now, we can make our way upstairs to the second floor to the bathroom.  One of the bedrooms you'll find the giant blob!!!

Decay Is Headed Your Way! - YouTube
Decay Is Headed Your Way! - YouTube

This is what one of the rooms looks like.  Walls are falling apart, stickers all over the walls, and then the thing you've all been waiting for... *suspenseful music plays*

Decay Is Headed Your Way! - YouTube
Decay Is Headed Your Way! - YouTube


What makes it worse is the YouTuber who found the blob taped to the ceiling poked it so nonchalantly to see if it would move.  WHY WOULD YOU POKE IT?! To me, it looks like a growth from the roof that made its ways inside.  Or maybe it's an alien.

Decay Is Headed Your Way! - YouTube
Decay Is Headed Your Way! - YouTube

I wasn't lying, this guy actually poked it.

Decay Is Headed Your Way! - YouTube
Decay Is Headed Your Way! - YouTube

Here's the video of the entire house tour OR you can scroll a little further and see pictures of inside this abandoned house in Chippewa Falls, Wisconsin.  It has since been demolished and hopefully the blob was destroyed along with the house.


Gallery Credit: Emily

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