You Could Be Paying More For Having Fun In Rockford
This flew under the radar, but it looks like you may be paying more for your nights out in Rockford.
As reported by WIFR TV, the city of Rockford want to implement a 5% tax on entertainment within the city.
What will that mean for you? It means that if you want to spend a night out bowling once a week, you will be paying five percent more each time. That could add up to a pretty penny. This tax could also affect movie theaters and places to play pool. It also could affect how much you pay when you go to an event at the BMO Harris Bank Center. That includes concerts and hockey games.
Why is there a tax possibly being implemented? According to the Finance Director for the City of Rockford Carrie Eklund:
"It's was approved as part of the overall budget plan to reduce the deficit without reducing services, without laying off public safety staff or making any other dramatic operational changes"
There is some good news for certain businesses. If they have a licence, they may not get hit with a tax since they are already paying for the licence.
So, what is your opinion on paying a 5% tax on entertainment in Rockford? Vote below and the results will be posted soon.