You Can See Just How Bad Illinois Crime Is With This Interactive Map
Crime is often a hot topic in Illinois, right behind political corruption and taxes. In fact, it's likely you glanced over a crime-related news story or scanner report pertaining to within Illinois before you found this article.
If you are wondering about past police activity in your neighborhood, want to see what types of arrests were made in your area, or are curious about crime in Northern Illinois in general, there's an interactive crime map you should check out.

Where does the information come from?
CrimeMapping (operated by CentralSquare Technologies), gets all its information through participating law enforcement, like Rockford Police Department and Winnebago County Sheriff's Office.
All data has been extracted, processed and presented through appropriate channels.
How does it work?
It's simple. You can search specific cities, zip codes, and neighborhoods as long as local law enforcement is a participating partner.
You can zoom in and out of an interactive map and also filter specific arrests involving crimes like arson, assault, burglary, DUIs, robbery, and more.
You can also filter dates "yesterday, preview 3 days, previous 4 weeks, and custom time range."
You can also see a graph of the crimes in the area you're searching.
As an example, this is for the previous four weeks in Rockford's metro area.
- Assaults (309)
- Vandalism (174)
- Disturbing the Peace (102)
- Larceny (74
- Drugs/Alcohol (69)
- Weapons (68)
- Burglary (52)
It's an interesting list and definitely eye-opening.
Two filter options that are worthy of mention are "Sex Offender" and "Sexual Predator" information is not available in Rockford/Winnebago County.
Check out CrimeMapping.com for yourself.
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