8 Illinois Parking Lots That Seriously Need an Upgrade
Illinois is notorious for its bad, pothole-ridden roads, and Rockford is no exception. While many residents have their favorite streets to complain about, let's focus on some parking lots that seriously need an upgrade.
The Worst Parking Lots in Rockford, Illinois
I have lived in the Rockford area my entire life, and because of it, I have grown immune to the horrible state of many of our roads. I understand that the higher powers do their best to maintain or repair them with the time and money they have available, but it's a big dang job. I'm also fairly certain that those higher powers are beyond sick of hearing complaints about the roads too, so right now I want to focus on bad parking lots instead of roads.
My problem with several parking lots in the Rockford area is more of a size issue than a repairs/potholes issue. (again, this stems from my pothole immunity). I drive a van, or sometimes I drive my husband's big ole truck, and I've sweated over getting into or out of a parking space in Rockford WAY too many times.
One of the parking lots in the Rockford area that makes me swear every single time is Forest Plaza on East State Street. If it's too full to park in the back and I just need to squeeze into any open spot I can find, there is NEVER enough room to maneuver and it makes me super nervous.
Now that I've gotten that frustration off my chest, I want to know which parking lots YOU hate the most in the Rockford area.
Here are some of the nominations we've received on Facebook so far, (and yes, I agree, all of these parking lots are terrible)...
I KNOW you have some more terrible Rockford parking lots to add to this list, so send us an app message with your nomination now...