Worlds Largest Snowman Twice as Tall as Rockford’s Symbol
Most of us have built a Snowman as a kid or even as adults, But how big was it? Well with Guinness, size definitely matters, and we've found the largest Snowman ever made.
Get ready for this one.
The world's tallest Snowman or Snow-woman comes in at a whopping 122 feet out of Bethel, Maine. The residents of Bethel and surrounding towns all came together to build this feat of Snow engineering and took the world record. Aptly named Olympia, She was only just a few feet shorter than the Statue Of Liberty.
When it comes to features, her eyelashes were made out of 8 pairs of skis, the carrot or nose was constructed of 8 feet of chicken wire with painted cheesecloth, her fleece hat was 48 feet wide, her lips were made from five red car tires and her arms were made of 2 thirty foot spruce trees. Even Olympias scarf was over 130 feet long. With a snow woman that big, I wonder if the town flooded when it finally melted. It stands twice as tall as Rockford's Symbol to give you an idea of how big it really was
Although it wasn't created in Illinois I did some searching and found the largest one we could find made in Illinois and it came out of Plainfield at 17 feet tall according to Patch.com