World Health Organization Warns To Stop Using Cash To Stop Coronavirus From Spreading
If you're one of those people that never use cash, you're proactively avoiding contracting coronavirus without even trying.
There's a new report from the World Health Organization (WHO) that says coronavirus (Covid-19) (coronavirus) may be on the surface of paper money. This doesn't mean you need to panic and go burn all of your cash, especially if you're frequently washing your hands. But, if you're going to panic, you'd better avoid credit cards, doorknobs, handrails, phones, and any other items that are touched by everyone. Some countries, like China, have begun disinfecting cash (banknotes).
Officials used ultraviolet light or high temperatures to sterilize the bills, then sealed them for 14days, before releasing them back into circulation. (Fox32 Chicago)
FOX32 also reports health officials saying coronavirus can only survive outside the human body for nine days.
The best ways to avoid getting sick it to avoid close contact with people who are sick, don't touch our eyes, nose, and mouth, stay home when you are sick, cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue (throw the tissue in the trash), disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces in your home.